Anonymous Farm / Business
Te Poi, New Zealand
An opportunity has arisen for the new season for a Contract Milking role at the foot of the Kaimais south of Matamata.
The farm is 78 ha of flat to rolling contour and will be milking 230 spring calved cows with a budgeted production of around 90,000 kg MS.
The farm is run as a system 3 and facilities include a 40 bale automated rotary with in shed feeding and a feed pad.
There is a recently renovated 3 BR home with heat pump and wood burner.
This is a very well set up farm and a great opportunity for the right people.
We will be offering a remuneration of $1.90/kg MS with standard costs e.g shed, relief labour, power and admin.
The farm is 7 km from primary schooling and 17 km form the town of Matamata.
To apply please send a copy of a current CV with relevant referees
Closing date for Applications: |