Farm manager/2IC wanted

  • 38206 Milk Tap Ltd
  • Otago
  • 13/09/2024
Casual, Permanent - Full Time Assistant Manager (2IC)

Job Description

On the lookout for a farm assistant/2IC for our dairy farm located 5 minutes out of Tapanui in West Otago. We're an 1000 cow farm with a 50 bail rotary that has protrac and ACR's. We run a 6/2 roster, you will be working alongside myself and 2 other workers. Milking times are from 3:30am cups on till 8am and 2pm cups on till 5:30pm. We run 2 herds (cows and heifers separate) as well as a lame group that is milked once a day in the mornings. A gate timer is used for first herd to come to the shed morning and afternoon milkings. The main task on farm is milkings and cow traffic. Other tasks between milkings can include; - fencing -tractor work (feeding out, scraping, mowing etc) -drenching of young stock -etc You will need to have good time management skills, be able to work alone and alongside others, good logistical sense and a good eye for animal health.

Farm Size (ha)


Peak Herd Size (cows)


Typical On-farm Staff


Position Start Date


Accommodation available

A 2 bedroom, modern cottage is provided on farm.

Hour Type


Average Hours Per week


Remuneration paid by

By Negotiation